I promised a post on where I got some of B's decorations for his birthday, and this is that post!
But first, I've got to say something. I'm now officially hooked on my Site Meter world map feature. Do you all use Site Meter? If you do, there's a link on the left that will show you where in the world your last 100 visitors are visiting from.
Two days ago, I clicked on it and in my last 100 were people from Norway, Brazil, Australia, Italy, France, Germany, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Toyko and New Zealand. Do what?! I had no idea anyone outside of the U.S. read my blog, and I'm still shocked that anyone other than family would even want to read it! Ha! But thank you for reading! And if you are in one of those countries, leave me a comment! That's just beyond cool to me!
OK, on to what y'all were wanting to know!
My mom, grandma and I made the pom poms one afternoon - they couldn't be easier or cheaper to make. We made them to hang on the chandelier and also, for the fireplace mantle. I also bought a bunch of red and white striped ribbon and blue and white polka dot ribbon and laced it around. The fabric on the table is also from Hobby Lobby - half off!

The striped ones say "Oh what fun, Brayden is ONE!".
My mom, grandma and I also made B's monogram. We used pre-cut letters and I bought some scrapbooking paper when it was half off at Hobby Lobby. We traced the letters and glued the paper to them.
Another do it yourself project. This is more of the scrapbooking paper that I got on sale. I just cut it out about an inch bigger than the picture on all sides (Dad actually helped me with this one!) and then glued the pictures on. Then, I secured them to some yellow ribbon and hung them on our french doors.
I hope that answered your questions and maybe gave you a little inspiration for your next party! A lot of these ideas are great to do on a budget because they just don't cost that much! Plus, if you have a Hobby Lobby nearby, you can get a lot of the things you need half off - I bought the paper, ribbon, fabric and some other items all half off!